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This blog is offically open ON 02/10/08!!!! Enjoy
This site orginaly was opened on new years eve 2007.

Sunday 16 November 2008

5 Awards DBSK “Made an album while clenching teeth”

Five award winner DBSK did not hide their happiness at this year’s first award ceremony.

DBSK seized 5 awards, including one of the daesangs ‘Album of the Year award’, at ‘2008 Mnet KM Music Festival’ (aka ‘2008 MKMF’) which opened at 7 o’clock on the 15th at the Seoul Jamshil Gymnasium.

After ‘2008 MKMF’ ended, DBSK’s ChoiKang ChangMin met with a reporter and continuously repeated “Thank you” and was unable to control his happiness.

Then he said that “I thought of a lot of things while returning in 2 years” and “It wasn’t as if we succeeded easily in Japan and and while working before returning, the sense of responsibility was bit big”.

ChoiKang ChangMin said “The worrying feeling of wondering if the fans forgot us overtook me” and revealed that “because of that, I prepared this album even more so while clenching my teeth”.

And also, he expressed his feelings during the time they received the ‘Album of the Year Award’ saying that “During that time each of the members would’ve had their own business, and
tears came out as the many events that occurred while preparing the album whizzed through my head”

This day, ChoiKang ChangMin who went on the stage to receive the prize and cried could not hide his red eyes at the waiting room.

Leader U-Know YunHo brightly smiled in the waiting room and said “I feel so great” and screamed “The fans are really the best”.

Xiah JunSu and Micky YooChun said “Thank you” and showed their excited selves. YoungWoong JaeJoong cracked a smile while saying “I was really surprised/shocked that ChangMinee cried”.
Credits: dnbn, tvxqsoul
Translator: annneonet

Translator Note:
That they did it while “clenching their teeth” means that they put up with hardships, go extreme ways to over come it, or to just withstand it… something like that. I took out the last line of the article since it didn’t say anything new about the album.

credits: soompi + princessazula(for sharing)

woow me and jj think alike
i was shocked wen i saw baby minnie cry too
its the first time ive ever seen him cry 

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